I have two modules, each in sepparate verilog file. One file is double_shift_reg.v
with the top module double_shift_reg
`include "./shift_reg.v"
`default_nettype none
module double_shift_reg(clk, shi, in, out);
input wire clk; // Clock
input wire shi; // Shift enable
input wire in; // Input information
output wire out; // Output information
wire d1; // Data 1
wire d2; // Data 2
shift_reg r1(.clk(clk), .rst(1'b0), .shi(shi), .in(in), .out(d1));
shift_reg r2(.clk(clk), .rst(1'b0), .shi(shi), .in(in), .out(d2));
assign out = d1 ^ d2;
`ifdef FORMAL
reg [2:0] f_counter;
always @(posedge clk)
assert(out == 0);
f_counter = f_counter + 1;
if (f_counter == 1'b1111)
`endif // FORMAL
The other file is a shift_reg.v
with a module shift_reg
that is used inside the top module:
`default_nettype none
module shift_reg(clk, rst, shi, in, out);
input wire clk; // Input clock
input wire rst; // Input reset
input wire shi; // Shift enable
input wire in; // Input information
output wire out; // Output bit
parameter wid = 8; // Shift register's width
parameter ini = {{(wid - 1){1'b0}}, 1'b1}; // Shift register's initial state
reg [(wid - 1):0] s_reg;
initial s_reg = ini;
always @(posedge clk)
s_reg <= ini;
else if(shi)
s_reg[(wid - 1):0] <= {in, s_reg[(wid - 1):1]};
assign out = s_reg[0];
Then I try to create and preview a .dot
file with:
yosys \
-p "read_verilog -sv -formal double_shift_reg.v" \
-p "hierarchy -check -top double_shift_reg" \
-p "proc" \
-p "show -prefix $(file_main) -notitle -colors 2 -width -format dot"
xdot $(file_main).dot
Compilation messages for the last part i.e. -p "show -prefix $(file_main) -notitle -colors 2 -width -format dot"
looks like this:
-- Running command `show -prefix double_shift_reg -notitle -colors 2 -width -format dot' --
4. Generating Graphviz representation of design.
Writing dot description to `double_shift_reg.dot'.
Dumping module double_shift_reg to page 1.
Dumping module shift_reg to page 2.
Warnings: 1 unique messages, 1 total
End of script. Logfile hash: e53dd145db
CPU: user 0.02s system 0.01s,
There is just one warning, no errors... But when I .dot
is opened by previewer, I get an error:
This never happened when I was creating .dot
files for only a single verilog file with a single module inside. Am I missing some crutial part?
I found a solution! I was missing one line that adds the library. This makefile target works:
yosys \
-p "read_verilog -sv -formal $(file_main).v" \
-p "read_verilog -lib +/ice40/cells_sim.v" \
-p "hierarchy -check -top $(module_top)" \
-p "proc" \
-p "show -prefix $(file_main) -notitle -colors 2 -width -format dot"
xdot $(file_main).dot