I am new to Angular, the job.job_company_companyName
, the job.job_company.location
and the job.jobTitle
, both of them work/can be searched on based on the filter: But when I added the object of Jobs with question mark (?) for example: job.job_details?.jobCountry
and job.job_details?.jobCity?
they are not being filtered, the 3 upper lines are being filtered except the two lines below.
What do you think I should do to make this thing work?
What to change?
Why is the property with the question mark not working properly?
here's my search.component.ts
this.filteredList$ = combineLatest(this.list$, this.filter$).pipe(
map(([jobs, filterString]) =>jobs.filter(job =>
job.job_company.companyName.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1 ||
job.jobTitle.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1 ||
job.job_company.location.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1 ||
job.job_details?.jobCountry.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1 ||
job.job_details?.jobCity?.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1
tap(filtered => {
this.allJobs = filtered;
return this.jobsChunk = filtered.slice(0, 9)
Heres jobs.model.ts
export interface Jobs {
jobsId: string;
jobTitle: string;
job_details?: JobDetails;
job_package: JobPackage;
job_status: JobStatus;
job_company: CompanyProfile;
createdDate?: string;
export interface JobDetails {
jobCity?: string;
jobCountry: string;
jobType: string;
jobCategory: string;
jobTags: string[];
jobDescription: string;
export interface CompanyProfile {
companyName: string;
location: string;
You have an issue with the condition implementations, in that case:
job.job_details?.jobCity?.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1
If job_details
or jobCity
are undefined, the comparation will be undefined !== -1
, and it will be true
A simple approach will be to use the > -1
instead of !== -1
Or check the property before:
job.job_details?.jobCity && job.job_details.jobCity.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1