I am trying to change the format and style of my output table in Shiny using formatStyle() but the changes are not visible. What might be wrong? For example, I want the "Yes" to be bold but the final results do not show these changes. This is my final output:
This is my code:
var_version_tables <- read_excel("test_2_filtros_2.xlsx")
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("var_1", "Categories", choices = unique(df$var_1)),
selectInput("var_2", "Tables", choices = NULL, multiple = T),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
categories <- reactive({
filter(df, var_1 == input$var_1)
observeEvent(categories(), {
choices <- unique(categories()$var_2)
updateSelectInput(inputId = "var_2", choices = choices)
output$data <- DT::renderDataTable({
table<-categories() %>%
filter(var_2 %in% input$var_2) %>%
select(var_2, var_3)%>%
mutate(result="Yes") %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = var_2, values_from = result, values_fill = "No")%>%
table_1<-DT::datatable(table, filter= 'top',options = list(order=list(0,'asc'), dom='t', pageLength= 100, autoWidth = TRUE),rownames = FALSE)
table_2<-DT::formatStyle(table_1, columns = NULL, fontWeight = styleEqual(c('No', 'Yes'), c('normal', 'bold')))
shinyApp(ui, server)
And this is my input data:
var_1 | var_2 | var_3 |
red | table1 | column1 |
red | table1 | column4 |
red | table1 | column3 |
blue | table2 | column1 |
blue | table2 | column2 |
blue | table2 | column3 |
blue | table2 | column4 |
blue | table3 | column3 |
blue | table3 | column10 |
blue | table3 | column15 |
blue | table3 | column4 |
blue | table3 | column5 |
pink | table4 | column1 |
pink | table4 | column2 |
pink | table4 | column11 |
pink | table4 | column10 |
pink | table4 | column5 |
pink | table4 | column6 |
pink | table4 | column7 |
blue | table5 | column1 |
blue | table5 | column2 |
blue | table5 | column3 |
yellow | table6 | column9 |
yellow | table6 | column10 |
pink | table7 | column6 |
pink | table7 | column7 |
pink | table7 | column8 |
Instead of NULL
for columns
in formatStyle
use the column names from table
table_2 <-
columns = colnames(table),
fontWeight = styleEqual(c('No', 'Yes'), c('normal', 'bold')))