
Facebook's in-app-browser returns the error "net::ERR_FAILED", but no other browser

The Facebook in-app-browser returns the error "net::ERR_FAILED". What could be the reason for this?

The website was made a long time ago for me and my brother and it has worked fine until recently. Suddenly we couldn't open in Facebook in-app-browser anymore. I've tried to look for error but none are printed (neither in PHP nor JS console). The website works great on all other browsers. I've even tried using Ghostlab (hosting on local PC and visit the website via this URL on the in-app-browser), and by doing that it works.

I except the page to be loaded. Right now nothing is loaded and I'm left without any logs.


  • The issue was resolved after the update that came a few days later. But I never figured out the issue. Let's hope it doesn't happen again.