
Use awk in git alias: alias to delete remote branch by full local ref name `git push -d remotes/remote-name/topic/branch`

Why do I want git push -d remotes/remote-name/topic/branch?
It's the format that you get in gitk, often I find remote branches in gitk that I want to delete. Right click the branch name in gitk, copy and do something like git nuke remotes/remote-name/topic/branch.

What I currently have:
echo remotes/origin/epic/T-12345 | awk '{gsub(/^remotes\/[^\/]*\//, "")}{print}' This works fine, prints epic/T-12345 - it chops the optional beginning of string ^remotes/.*?/ in terms of PCREs which are easier to read.

Problem: When I try to use it in a git alias like so (git-for-windows, running from git-bash):

test1 = "!f() { \
  echo ${1} | awk '{gsub(/^remotes\/[^\/]*\//, "")}{print}'; \
}; f"

I get fatal: bad config line 5 in file C:/Users/username/.gitmorealiases

The plan was to do something like:

test1 = "!f() { \
  REPLACED=`echo ${1} | awk '{gsub(/^remotes\/[^\/]*\//, "")}{print}'`; \
  git push -d origin $REPLACED;
}; f"

Two working git aliases from the accepted answer:

Replace echo with the actual command you need, e.g. git push -d origin

v1_awk = "!f() { \
  replaced=$(echo "$1" | awk '{gsub(/^remotes\\/[^\\/]*\\//, \"\")}{print}'); \
  echo "$replaced"; \
}; f"
v2_shell = "!f() { echo \"${1#remotes/*/}\"; }; f"


  • \/ is an unknown escape sequence, you have to escape \ inside ".

    test1 = "!f() { replaced=$(echo "$1" | awk '{gsub(/^remotes\\/[^\\/]*\\//, \"\")}{print}') && git push -d origin \"$replaced\"; }; f"

    From man git config: Inside double quotes, double quote " and backslash \ characters must be escaped: use \" for " and \\ for \.

    As for shell: prefer to use lower case for local variable names, quote variable expansions to prevent word splitting, prefer to use $(...) instead of backticks.

    Anyway, I think just:

    test1 = "!f() { git push -d origin \"${1#remotes/*/}\"; }; f"