
GCP Monitoring Alert Notification Channel (Web Hook) with MS Teams

I'm trying to use Teams webhooks in a GCP monitoring notification channel. The webhook URL was created by viewing the guide below.

But there seems to be no action in the test connection. Can't I use the GCP Monitoring notification channel in Teams by linking it with a webhook?


  • Clone the source from the github link and import it.

    git clone

    After that, create a Teams Webhook through the attached link.

    Edit the .env.yaml File as follows. TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL is the previously issued URL. AUTH_TOKEN specifies an arbitrary value.

    AUTH_TOKEN: gyeongsik_jang

    Then, deploy the Cloud Function through the ShellFile below.

    In the case of Service Account, you must be granted the following permissions in advance.

    gcloud functions deploy gcp-monitoring-teams-trigger \
        --entry-point=F \
        --memory=128MB \
        --region=asia-northeast3 \
        --runtime=go113 \
        --env-vars-file=env.yaml \
        --trigger-http \
        --timeout=10s \

    Create the generated Trigger URL as Monitoring Notification Channel as shown below.

    Auth_Token value should be entered at the end of the URL.


    With this setup, you can check the Test Connection in Teams as follows. enter image description here

    Thank you for reading the long post.

    Gyeongsik Jang