Cannot set existing payment profile to be the default for a customer

I am using the updateCustomerPaymentProfile endpoint to try to update a payment profile. This works well, except for the presence of one field: defaultPaymentProfile.

There are two different issues.

1. Authorize.Net Ruby SDK typing issue

The docs say defaultPaymentProfile is an expected field, but the type does not allow it in ruby SDK, see in the official source code:

I opened a Github issue about this.

I then monkey patched the type as following:

module AuthorizeNet::API 
  class CustomerPaymentProfileExType
    xml_accessor :defaultPaymentProfile

After that, it accepts to send the request but I receive an error response as following:

AuthorizeNetException: E00003: The element 'paymentProfile' in namespace 
'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd' has invalid child element 
'defaultPaymentProfile' in namespace 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd

Which is the second issue...

2. Authorize.Net API not accepting the defaultPaymentProfile when updating a payment profile

For the record, I dumped the raw XML that is sent to the API once I patched the SDK to be able to actually reach the API:

<updateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest xmlns="AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd">
    <!-- This XML passes fine without the line below -->

This looks exactly the same as the request suggested by the official API docs, yet, the server respond with a E00003 error that I already shared above.


As a reference, the block of ruby code that I am using:

        profile =
        profile.customerPaymentProfileId = current_profile.customerPaymentProfileId
        profile.billTo = billTo
        profile.payment =

            cc_data.cardNumber, cc_data.expirationDate
        profile.taxId = user.tax_id if user.tax_id
        profile.defaultPaymentProfile = true
        profile.customerType = 'individual'

        request =
        request.paymentProfile = profile
        request.customerProfileId = customer_profile_id
        request.validationMode = AuthorizeNet::API::ValidationModeEnum::LiveMode

        response = transaction.update_customer_payment_profile(request)

What am I doing wrong?


  • The order of the elements matter. Move



    <updateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest xmlns="AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd">