
Getting google.maps.Map instance from @angular/google-maps

I need to get google.maps.Map. I cannot see official way in docs. But I see that whole component is exportedAs. But when I use it in template:

<google-map [center]="{lat: mapaLat, lng: mapaLng}"
                [zoom]="mapaZoom" [options]="{mapTypeControl: true}"

it is local variable. How to get it in my component's typescript?

Or maybe there is other way to get google.maps.Map?


  • as mentioned in the official documents, you can access map instance using ViewChild decorator and seems you already added it to the component HTML, you just need to define it in your wrapper component typescript like this:

     @ViewChild(GoogleMap) googleMap: GoogleMap;

    and then use it, maybe you need to start using it after AfterViewInit get called to make sure the map component initilaized