I have a time serie determined by sec.nsec (unix time?) where a signal is either 0 or 1 and I want to plot it to have a square signal. Currently I have the following code:
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
time = ['1633093403.754783918', '1633093403.755350983', '1633093403.760918965', '1633093403.761298577', '1633093403.761340378', '1633093403.761907443']
data = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]
plot(time, data)
Is there any conversion needed for the time before plotting? I cannot have date:time as this points might have ns to ms between them
Thank you.
EDIT: The values of the list for time are strings
To convert unix timestamp strings to datetime64 you need to fist convert to float, and then convert to datetime64 with the correct units:
time = ['1633093403.754783918', '1633093403.755350983', '1633093403.760918965', '1633093403.761298577', '1633093403.761340378', '1633093403.761907443']
time = (np.asarray(time).astype(float)).astype('datetime64[s]')
['2021-10-01T13:03:23' '2021-10-01T13:03:23' '2021-10-01T13:03:23'
Note the nanoseconds have been stripped. If you want to keep those...
time = (np.asarray(time).astype(float)*1e9).astype('datetime64[ns]')
['2021-10-01T13:03:23.754783744' '2021-10-01T13:03:23.755351040'
'2021-10-01T13:03:23.760918784' '2021-10-01T13:03:23.761298688'
'2021-10-01T13:03:23.761340416' '2021-10-01T13:03:23.761907456']
This all works because datetime64 has the same "epoch" or zero as unix timestamps (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000)
Once you do this conversion, plotting should work fine.