I'm querying a records table to find which users are my top record creators for certain record types. The basic starting point of my query looks something like this:
SELECT recordtype, createdby, COUNT(*)
FROM recordtable
WHERE recordtype in (...)
GROUP BY recordtype, createdby
ORDER BY recordtype, createdby DESC
But there are many users who have created records - I want to narrow this down further.
I added HAVING COUNT(*) > ...
, but some record types only have a few records, while others have hundreds. If I do HAVING COUNT(*) > 10
, I won't see that all 9 records of type "XYZ" were created by the same person, but I will have to scroll through every person that's created only 15, 30, 50, etc. of the 3,500 records of type "ABC."
I only want the top 5, 10, or so creators for each record type.
I've found a few questions that address the "select top N in group" part of the question, but I can't figure out how to apply them to what I need. The answers I could find are in cases where the "rank by" column is a value stored in the table, not an aggregate.
(Example: "what are the top cities in each country by population?", with data that looks like this:)
Country City Population United States New York 123456789 United States Chicago 123456789 France Paris 123456789
I don't know how to apply the methods I've seen used to answer that (row_number()
, mostly) to get the top N by COUNT(*)
here is one way , to get top 10 rows in each group:
select * from (
select *, row_number() over (partition by recordtype order by cnt desc) rn
from (
SELECT recordtype, createdby, COUNT(*) cnt
FROM recordtable
WHERE recordtype in (...)
GROUP BY recordtype, createdby
) t
) t where rn <= 10