
How can I create a list item randomizer but only show item once?

I'm looking to make a list item randomizer that only displays that item once. I have a basic randomizer working that pulls from an array, but when I click the button, it just continues to loop through each item. Is there a way to get each item it only display once then stop and/or display something like "list over" once complete? My js skills are very basic...

The js randomizer code:

        var techniques = [
            "item 1",
            "item 2",
            "item 3",
            "item 4",
            "item 5"

        function newTechnique() {
            var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (techniques.length));
            document.getElementById('techDisplay').innerHTML = techniques[randomNumber];

and the html

<div id="techDisplay"></div>
<button onclick="newTechnique()">New Technique</button>

I'm also wondering if there is a better way to pull in data, like using an xml or something? I intend to have likely over 50 items in the list, which could become cumbersome in the js. Let me know and thanks in advance!


  • Here is the code for the functionality you are looking for

    const techniques = [
            'Currently showing item 1',
            'Currently showing item 2',
            'Currently showing item 3',
            'Currently showing item 4',
            'Currently showing item 5',
            'Currently showing item 6'
          let flags = => false);
          function getNotShownNumber() {
            let whichItemToShow;
            const allAreTrue = flags.every((v) => v === true);
            if (!allAreTrue) {
              let value = true;
              do {
                const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * techniques.length);
                const alreadyShown = flags[randomNumber];
                if (!alreadyShown) {
                  flags[randomNumber] = true;
                  whichItemToShow = randomNumber;
                  value = false;
              } while (value);
            } else {
              whichItemToShow = 'Completed';
            return whichItemToShow;
          function newTechnique() {
            const number = getNotShownNumber();
            const content =
              number === 'Completed' ? 'List Over' : techniques[number];
            document.getElementById('techDisplay').innerHTML = content;
    <div id="techDisplay"></div>
    <button onclick="newTechnique()">New Technique</button>