
SQL Spatial Query - Determine Which Polygon A Lat/Long Point Falls Into

Via ArcMap, I imported a Feature Class into my SQL2019 Server. No issues and the polygons are displaying properly in the 'spatial results' tab when I check. Inside that feature class, there are three distinct shapes (Lets call the field tblGeo.AREA).

I have another table with LAT/LNG coordinate points (tblPoint.LAT, tblPoint.LNG).

Using the two tables (tblGeo and tblPoint), how can I determine which AREA field the coordinate falls into (if any)?


Field Name Field Type Sample
GID INT 1,2,3...
SHAPE GEOMETRY 0x2569... or 0x110F...
GEOAREA VARCHAR(50) Washington, New York,...


Field Name Field Type Sample
PID INT 1,2,3...
LAT DECIMAL(9,6) 38.897957
LNG DECIMAL(9,6) -77.036560

Desired Output

PID Location Lat Lng GeoArea
1 White House 38.897957 -77.036560 Washington
2 Empire State Building 40.748817 -73.985428 New York
... ... ... ...


  • Sample input and output data would be nice.
    You'll need to convert LAT and LNG to a geometry point.
    Assuming LAT and LNG are DECIMAL(9, 6)...

    select g.name as AreaName
    , p.name as PointName
    from tblGeo g
      right outer join tblPoint p on g.AREA.STContains(geometry::Point(p.LAT, p.LNG, 0)) = 1

    I could check my work if you provided sample data.