I want to use removeIf
to remove 2 conditions, but I did not find the proper way to do that.
For example, I want to remove students whose grade is below ‘B’
Code as follows:
Student[] group1 = {new Student(), new Student(), new Student(), new Student()};
group1[0].setInfo("Davut", 'M', 123, 'A');
group1[1].setInfo("Ali", 'M', 43, 'B');
group1[2].setInfo("Ivan", 'M', 34, 'B');
group1[3].setInfo("Lily", 'F', 67, 'C');
ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<>();
Predicate<Student> condition = p->p.grade=='C'&& p.grade=='B';
The issue is with this line:
Predicate<Student> condition = p->p.grade=='C'&& p.grade=='B';
You'r asking to remove a student that has grade 'C' AND 'B'. It should be 'C' OR 'B'.
Replace with this:
Predicate<Student> condition = p->p.grade=='C' || p.grade=='B';