
Should I use string or ostringstream or stringstream for fileIO in C++

I want to write to the beginning of a large file using C++ using fstreams.
The method I came up with is to write the entire data to a temporary file, then writing to the original file and then copying the data from the tmp file to the original file.

I want to create a buffer which will take the data from the original file to the tmp file and vise-versa.
The process is working for all, string, ostringstream and stringstream. I want the copying of data to happen fast and also with minimum memory consumption.

An EXAMPLE with string:

void write(std::string& data)
    std::ifstream fileIN("smth.txt");
    std::ofstream fileTMP("smth.txt.tmp");
    std::string line = "";

    while(getline(fileIN, line))
        fileTMP << line << std::endl;


    std::ifstream file_t_in("smth.txt.tmp"); // file tmp in
    std::ofstream fileOUT("smth.txt");
    fileOUT << data;

    while(getline(file_t_in, line)
        fileOUT << line << std::endl;



Should I use string for that or ostringstream or stringstream?

What is the advantage of using one over the other?


  • Assuming that there are at least some operation and that you are not copying twice the same data to end with an unchanged file, the possible improvements (IMHO) are: