
Vue.js error: Named slots must use '<template>' on a custom element

I am trying to pass information through slots and I keep getting an error,

'Named slots must use '' on a custom element.'

See below for my code.

            <User v-slot:user="{ user }">
                <div v-if="user">
                    <p>Logged-in as {{user.uid}} </p>
                    <!-- PASS USER STATE AS PROP -->
                    <UserProfile :user="user"/> 
                    <ChatList :uid="user.uid"/>
                <Login v-else/>

I get an error on the following line.

    <User v-slot:user="{ user }">


  • Based on your component names, I suspect the User component contains the "user" slot.

    The v-slot should be on a <template> within the <User> tags:

    <User>           👇
      <template v-slot:user="{ user }">
        <div v-if="user">
          <p>Logged-in as {{ user.uid }}</p>
        <Login v-else />
