
Create unique identifier with custom format using Plain Javascript

I know that the format of uuid is XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX. But I dont want to create a uuid, I want to create a unique identifier with a different format such as XXX-XXXX-XXX.

How do I do that using plain javascript and no libraries.

And is there any way to ensure that the identifier will be unique?


  • This is an example of how to create a unique fake uuid looking string. Note that this is not a real uuid.

    let uuids = [];
    function getRandomUuidChar(count = 1) {
      // valid uuid chars: 0-9, a-f, A-F
      const chars = "1234567890abcdefABCDEF".split('');
      let retval = "";
      for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
        retval += chars[randomIndex];
      return retval;
    function generatePseudoUuid() {
      const charCounts = [8, 4, 4, 4, 12];
      const uuid = charCounts
        .reduce((retval, count) => {
          return retval;
        }, [])
      if (!uuids.includes(uuid)) {
        return uuid;
    for(let i=0; i<10; i++){
      console.log("uuid", generateUuid());


    uuid 05D9F4C4-ddd8-9ff4-B5F3-c834E5da6F64
    uuid 10dc0BCb-1DfD-8efB-EA7c-3f056930315C
    uuid 8e5a21C0-EDD9-f3bc-bEBb-bbADe542342E
    uuid b484Ca84-Ce89-eb91-94F4-8216b86A7245
    uuid De70ABB8-D4E9-DBba-7783-b8109E1b5E27
    uuid F1BF66b8-5458-B8d1-DA0c-6BceBea2ccc0
    uuid aEffE093-faf8-FBA2-bb88-08865b446412
    uuid a3AabDBC-2B4A-AcBc-8afF-8c0deCCeA92C
    uuid C7b4DFaA-Da41-041a-FFfE-28064ABF5FB7
    uuid E3F2F592-3AEc-aBdD-AC9c-304Dc93ceDa9