
Wallet Connect: No RPC Url available for chainId: 137

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I am trying to create a WalletConnect provider.

I am using the @walletconnect/web3-provider package along with Web3Modal for UI.

I am instantiating the WalletConnectProvider using my Infura client ID

let web3Modal = new Web3Modal({
    network: "matic",
    cacheProvider: true,
    providerOptions: {
        walletconnect: {
            package: WalletConnectProvider,
            options: {
                infuraId: "c22c90a767684c5fbd7257da57802b35" ,

await web3Modal.connect();

When I run my app and connect my wallet, I get the following error:

Error: No RPC Url available for chainId: 137

I am trying to connect to the Polygon network (which is chainId 137).

Infura does seem to support the Polygon Mainnet chain.

Also, I have this chain added to my MetaMask mobile wallet, which is the wallet I am using when connecting to WalletConnect.

So it should work..

Any ideas how to fix this?


  • You can try using this RPC URL -

    More references can be found here -