My return for the input "no" is showing up as "noon"
I'm seeing where it is adding the original word to the StringBuilder
. How do I get it to not do that, and only add the characters to an empty StringBuilder
, in reverse?
public class Palindrome
public static String reversed(String originalWord)
int lengthOfWord = originalWord.length();
StringBuilder reversedWordBuilder = new StringBuilder(originalWord);
for (int currentChar = lengthOfWord-1; currentChar >= 0; currentChar--)
return reversedWordBuilder.toString();
You are initializing the StringBuilder with the originalWord itself:
StringBuilder reversedWordBuilder = new StringBuilder(originalWord);
so it already have initial a value of "no", then you append the reversed one to it. You should initialize it with empty constructor like:
StringBuilder reversedWordBuilder = new StringBuilder();
and then to do your logic in the loop.
Since you already use StringBuilder you can do in one liner as it follows:
public static String reversed(String originalWord) {
return new StringBuilder(originalWord).reverse().toString();