Trying to learn svelte and using dexie. Is there a better way to get data to the array from indexedDB?
My functions.js file
export const db = new Dexie("todos");
todo: "++id,note",
import { onMount } from "svelte";
import { db } from "./functions";
let newnote = "";
let addnote = (e) => {
db.todo.add({ note: newnote });
db.todo.toArray().then(items => {
todos = items;
$:todos = [];
let start = () => {
db.todo.toArray().then(items => {
todos = items;
onMount(() => {
<h1 id="title">ToDo</h1>
<input type="text" id="newnote" bind:value={newnote} />
<input type="button" value="Add" on:click={addnote} />
{#each todos as todo}
{todo.note} <br>
Btw, can you keep this code hidden in the app? If so, how? Or is that not necessary?
You'd get the simplest integration by using the new liveQuery()
from dexie.
npm install dexie@next
Using dexie@next is because version 4.x has better Svelte- and SvelteKit support
Play around with this in the following codesandbox:
To translate your specific example:
import { liveQuery } from "dexie";
import { db } from "./functions";
let newnote = "";
let addnote = (e) => {
db.todo.add({ note: newnote });
const todos = liveQuery(
() => db.todo.toArray()
<h1 id="title">ToDo</h1>
<input type="text" id="newnote" bind:value={newnote} />
<input type="button" value="Add" on:click={addnote} />
{#if $todos}
{#each $todos as todo}
{todo.note} <br>
Some explanations:
I've blogged about this feature and how it can enhance ReactJS apps, however, I wasn't aware of the Svelte store contract until recently and happily understood that we have Svelte integration for free.