
Write a File from Jenkins Groovy Script-Console

I'm trying to find a way to write some content to a file using Jenkins Groovy Script-Console.

The use-case: Our CI manages some state-machine using a volume shared between all the nodes (which is in turn mapped to EFS). However - following the discovery of a bug in our CI groovy shared libs I found that some state files gone corrupt, and needed to write to them the corrected values, together with fixing the bug.

I could do that using ssh connection, however, as we're in process of abstracting out the workers we're trying to back off from that and manage ourselves only from the script-console and/or ci jobs.

I tried all these forms, all of which failed:

"echo 'the text' > /mnt/efs-ci-state/path/to/the-state-file.txt".execute().text
cat <<<EOF > /mnt/efs-ci-state/path/to/the-state-file.txt
the text
"bash -c 'echo the text > /mnt/efs-ci-state/path/to/the-state-file.txt'".execute().text
"echo 'the text' | tee /mnt/efs-ci-state/path/to/the-state-file.txt"

Can anybody show me the way to do that?

I'd also appreciate an explanation why the forms above won't work and/or a hint on how to execute commands that include piping and/or stdio directing from that script console.

Thanks :)


  • ["bash", "echo the text > /mnt/efs-ci-state/path/to/the-state-file.txt"].execute().text

    or use plain groovy:

    new File('/mnt/efs-ci-state/path/to/the-state-file.txt').text = "echo the text"

    why not working:

    i suggest you to use this kind of code if you want to capture and validate stderr

    ["bash", 'echo my text > /222/12345.txt'].execute().with{proc->
        def out=new StringBuilder(), err=new StringBuilder()
        proc.waitForProcessOutput(out, err)
        assert !err.toString().trim()
        return out.toString()