
List of subroutines current package declares

Need to gather a list of the subroutines that the current package itself declares - no imports.
I've seen Package::Stash, but it lists imported names (of course).

Came up with the following, but I don't like having to move the includes to the bottom of the file.

Anyone see how I can gather the same list, but still keep my includes near the top ?

package Foo;
use common::sense;
use Function::Parameters;
        # Must import at least "fun" and "method" first for them to work.
        # See bottom of file for rest of includes.

our %package_functions;

say join q{, }, sort keys %package_functions;

sub    foo_1    { ; }
fun    foo_2 () { ; }
method foo_3 () { ; }

        # This block must be kept *after* the sub declarations, and *before* imports.
        no strict 'refs';
        %package_functions = map { $_ => 1 }                 # Hash offers more convenient lookups when/if checked often.
                grep { !/^(can|fun|method)$|^_/ }            # Exclude certain names or name patterns.
                grep { ref __PACKAGE__->can($_) eq 'CODE' }  # Pick out only CODEREFs.
                keys %{__PACKAGE__ . '::'};                  # Any functions above should have their names here.

use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
# use ...


Outputs (with "perl" -E 'use Foo;') :

foo_1, foo_2, foo_3

If BEGIN is moved after the other includes, we see Dumper, encode_json, etc..


  • Deparse from core is perfectly able to do that, so you can do what is doing, namely use the B module to peek into perl's innards:

    # usage: for_subs 'package', sub { my ($sub_name, $pkg, $type, $cv) = @_; ... }
    sub for_subs {
        my ($pkg, $sub) = (@_, sub { printf "%-15s %-15s %-15s%.0s\n", @_ });
        use B (); no strict 'refs';
        my %stash = B::svref_2object(\%{$pkg.'::'})->ARRAY;
        while(my($k, $v) = each %stash){
            if($v->FLAGS & B::SVf_ROK){
                my $cv = $v->RV;
                    $sub->($k, $pkg, sub => $cv);
                }elsif(!$cv->isa('B::SPECIAL') and $cv->FLAGS & B::SVs_PADTMP){
                    $sub->($k, $pkg, const => $cv);
            }elsif($v->FLAGS & B::SVf_POK){
                $sub->($k, $pkg, proto => $v->PV);
            }elsif($v->FLAGS & B::SVf_IOK){
                $sub->($k, $pkg, proto => '');
                my $cv = $v->CV;
                next if $cv->isa('B::SPECIAL');
                next if ${$cv->GV} != $$v;
                $sub->($k, $pkg, sub => $cv);

    Sample usage:

    package P::Q { sub foo {}; sub bar; sub baz(){ 13 } }
    for_subs 'P::Q';
    sub foo {}; sub bar; sub baz(){ 13 }
    for_subs __PACKAGE__;

    should result in:

    foo             P::Q            sub
    bar             P::Q            proto
    baz             P::Q            sub
    baz             main            const
    for_subs        main            sub
    bar             main            proto
    foo             main            sub

    If the package you're interested in is not main, you don't care about empty prototypes (like the bar in the example above) and you need just a list of names, you can cut it to:

    # usage: @subs = get_subs 'package'
    sub get_subs {
        my @subs;
        use B (); no strict 'refs';
        my %stash = B::svref_2object(\%{shift.'::'})->ARRAY;
        while(my($k, $v) = each %stash){
            next unless $v->isa('B::GV');
            my $cv = $v->CV;
            next if $cv->isa('B::SPECIAL');
            next if ${$cv->GV} != $$v;
            push @subs, $k;