I need help to figure this out! I am pretty new to coding python. I have set in the print statement my upper and lower bounds to be 25 and 15, i have then tried to define 2 lines, that removes the number that exceeds the upperbound of is lower than the lowerbound everytime i run the code, i get the error:
"return umr_any(a, axis, dtype, out, keepdims)
TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index"
I know there probably is a easier way to solve it, which I would love to know! but I also want this code to work, since I feel like I can learn a lot from it! thank you in advance!
here is the code:
import math
import numpy as np
def fermentationRate(measuredRate, lowerBound, upperBound):
def remove_values_from_list1(measuredRate, lowerBound):
return [value for value in measuredRate if value < lowerBound]
def remove_values_from_list2(measuredRate, upperbound):
return [value for value in measuredRate if value > upperBound]
x = np.array([measuredRate])
for i in range(len(measuredRate)):
if (x.any(x[i]) < lowerBound) and (x.any(x[i]) > upperBound):
measuredRate = remove_values_from_list1(measuredrate,lowerBound)
measuredRate = remove_values_from_list2(measuredrate,upperBound)
averageRate = np.mean(measuredRate)
averageRate = np.mean(measuredRate)
return averageRate
print(fermentationRate(np.array([20.1, 19.3, 1.1, 18.2, 19.7, 121.1, 20.3, 20.0]), 15, 25))
Since measuredRate
is a numpy array, you don't need to iterate over it to find the locations that fulfil some condition.
def fermentationRate(measuredRate, lowerBound, upperBound):
# Create logical arrays containing True or False for both conditions
condition1 = measuredRate >= lowerBound
condition2 = measuredRate <= upperBound
# logical_and the two: select the row if both conditions are true
select_row = np.logical_and(condition1, condition2)
filtered_array = measuredRate[select_row]
return filtered_array.mean()
Once you've understood this, it can be condensed down to a single line, although it's much less readable:
def fermentationRate(measuredRate, lowerBound, upperBound):
return measuredRate[
np.logical_and(measuredRate >= lowerBound,
measuredRate <= upperBound)