
What are the major difference between ElasticSearch and OpenSearch?

We are planning to leverage OpenSearch for the XDR kind of project. We want to leverage most of the major features like Alerting, Detection, Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection, etc. So, I want to know that, are there any downsides of using OpenSearch instead of Elasticsearch for this particular use case.

I also didn’t find any proper comparison between Elasticsearch vs OpenSearch over the internet. So, can someone please provide the link or resource where I can have a detailed comparison?


  • OpenSearch is an AWS fork of ElasticSearch. Announcing Amazon OpenSearch Service which Supports OpenSearch 1.0 lists the OpenSearch features.

    What is OpenSearch? Comparing OpenSearch and Elasticsearch is an article by ElasticSearch comparing the two (biased toward ElasticSearch).

    Elasticsearch vs. OpenSearch Business Decision Tree gives guidance for people already using ElasticSearch or Kibana.