I am trying to integrate my application with the APM Framework. I've already done it for a series of other applications and everything worked accordingly. This specific Java SpringBoot application gives me the following error:
I've checked that the TLS certificate is valid in the container that the application is running. As I understand TLS 1.2 is used everywhere. I have checked and updated some http dependencies (okhttp) in case there was an issue with TLS there. No luck. I've checked that the APM SECRET TOKEN I am using is the correct one - and validated the APM environmental variables I've enetered.
I am calling ElasticApmAttacher.attach();
on the main of my Application class.
I have a elasticapm.properties file as follows:
The following env vars:
Any ideas for what more to look for will be greatly appreciated.
I added the following env var:
ENV JAVA_OPTIONS=“-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2”
Dockerfile base image change:
from java:8-jdk-alpine
to openjdk:8u272-jdk
And it worked.