
Add additional details to a Sentry error using Python SDK

There are many situations where I know an error will occur and want to pass additional data to Sentry. I still want the exception to get raised (so the rest of my code stops) and I only want one error in sentry.

For example, let's say I'm making an HTTP call and, in the event that the HTTP call fails, I want an error including the response text sent to Sentry:

import requests

resp =, json=payload)
if resp.ok:
    return resp.json()
    text = resp.json()
except json.JSONDecodeError:
    text = resp.text
# TODO: add `text` to Sentry error

How do I do this using the Sentry Python SDK?

Rejected solutions:


  • Large or Unpredictable Data: set_context

    If you need to send a lot of data or you don't know the contents of your data, the function you are looking for is Sentry's set_context. You want to call this function right before your exception gets raised. Note that context objects are limited in size to 8kb.

    Note: you should only call set_context in a situation where an exception will definitely get raised, or else the extra information you set may get added to other (irrelevant) errors in Sentry.

    For example:

    import requests
    import sentry_sdk
    resp =, json=payload)
    if resp.ok:
        return resp.json()
        text = resp.json()
    except json.JSONDecodeError:
        text = resp.text
    # vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
    sentry_sdk.set_context("Payload", {"text": text})
    # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    This attaches it as additional data to your Sentry error, listed just after the breadcrumbs:

    Sentry Screenshot

    Small, Predictable Data: set_tag

    If your data is small and predictable (such as the HTTP status code), you can use sentry's set_tag. It's best to do this within a new_scope block so that the tag is just set for the area of your code that may go wrong. Note that tags keys are limited to 32 characters and tag values are limited in size to 200 characters.

    Tags show up at the top of the view of a sentry error.

    For example:

    import requests
    from sentry_sdk import new_scope
    resp =, json=payload)
    if resp.ok:
        return resp.json()
    # vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
    with new_scope() as scope:
        sentry_sdk.set_tag("status", resp.status_code)
    # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Note: in the Sentry SDK version 1.*, use push_scope rather than new_scope.