I have a simple Purchase class:
export class Purchase {
customer!: Customer;
shippingAddress!: Address;
billingAddress!: Address;
order!: Order;
orderItems!: OrderItem[];
I have a checkout component which does the following:
// populate purchase - customer
purchase.customer = this.checkoutFormGroup.controls['customer'].value;
// populate purchase - shipping address
purchase.shippingAddress = this.checkoutFormGroup.controls['shippingAddress'].value;
const shippingState: State = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(purchase.shippingAddress.state));
const shippingCountry: Country = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(purchase.shippingAddress.country));
purchase.shippingAddress.state = shippingState.name;
purchase.shippingAddress.country = shippingCountry.name;
In this the below lines give the error Cannot find name 'JSON'.ts(2304)
const shippingState: State = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(purchase.shippingAddress.state));
const shippingCountry: Country = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(purchase.shippingAddress.country));
I suspect the problem is that I've the following config in tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es2017",
"module": "es2020",
"lib": [
I tried changing es2018
to es5
but that didn't resolve my issue. Either way, surely there should be a way of doing this sort of thing with es2018
. Can anybody tell me how to resolve this?
This helped me fix my issue. The version was 4.5.something. It's now 4.2.2 and JSON is now found.