So I was trying to automate my flask app api's and was closely following few docs/blogs written by Patrick Kennedy and was able to do so but have few doubts related to requests module and test_client
(Werkzeug test Client)
Have created a fixture where in I have imported my app with test client and pushing the context and using it I am able to hit the api's defined in my
So to do get using one of the api's, I m doing this :
response = test_client.get(url) #url without http://hostname:port
and it works fine, without any issues.
While if I want to use requests module provided by python, I need to provide the whole url i.e. with http://hostname:port
So my question is, how test_client manages this???
If I am using test_client
, will it be a correct approach to have a url without hostname and port?? (even though I am getting the expected output)
Flask is using WerkZeug's Test Client:
This client wraps your application instance and therefore does not need to know the absolute path to your application.