I've been researching a way to automate extraction of blob columns to files, and this blog details a few ways to do it.
Via BCP, larger files extract from my database very quickly. I'm able to extract a 2 gigabyte file in under 20 seconds. Here's the sample command line I used, based on the examples in the blog:
BCP "SELECT PictureData FROM BLOB_Test.dbo.PicturesTest " QUERYOUT C:\BLOBTest\BlobOut\WC.jpg -T -f "C:\BLOBTest\FormatFile\BLOB.fmt" -S <ServerName>\<InstanceName>
As an aside, I had to learn about applying a format file to prevent a prefix string from being inserted into the file. This format file must be in BCP's older format, because the newer XML version of the format file has a schema entry for "PREFIX_LENGTH" that prevents a 0 value.
I would rather use PowerShell to extract the blobs, but the following code based on a TechNet article takes about two days to process instead of BCP's 20 seconds for the same 2 gig blob.
## https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/890.export-sql-server-blob-data-with-powershell.aspx
## Export of "larger" SQL Server blob to file with GetBytes-Stream
# Configuration data
$Server = ".\<Instance>"; # SQL Server Instance
$Database = "Blob_Test"; # Name of database
$Dest = "C:\BLOBTest\BLOBOut\"; # Path to export to
$bufferSize = 8192; # Stream buffer size in bytes
# Select-Statement for name & blob with filter
$Sql = "Select
# Open ADO.NET Connection
$con = New-Object Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection;
$con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=$Server;" +
"Integrated Security=True;" +
"Initial Catalog=$Database";
# New Command and Reader
$cmd = New-Object Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand $Sql, $con;
$rd = $cmd.ExecuteReader();
# Create a byte array for the stream
$out = [array]::CreateInstance('Byte', $bufferSize)
# Loop through records
While ($rd.Read()) {
Write-Output ("Exporting: {0}" -f $rd.GetString(0));
# New BinaryWriter
$fs = New-Object System.IO.FileStream ($Dest + $rd.GetString(0)), Create, Write;
$bw = New-Object System.IO.BinaryWriter $fs;
$start = 0;
# Read first byte stream
$received = $rd.GetBytes(1, $start, $out, 0, $bufferSize - 1);
While ($received -gt 0) {
$bw.Write($out, 0, $received);
$start += $received;
# Read next byte stream
$received = $rd.GetBytes(1, $start, $out, 0, $bufferSize - 1);
# Closing & disposing all objects
Write-Output ("Finished");
It does eventually finish, but I don't know why the script takes so long to complete.
Does anyone have an idea why the PowerShell script is being neutered?
You don't need the BinaryWriter at all. That class is only meant to write primitive types like integers, doubles, strings etc in a .NET-specific format. It's rarely used.
If you want to write bytes to a file all you need is to use Stream.Write :
$fs.Write $received
A better idea that can eliminate almost all the code is to use DbDataReader.GetStream instead of GetBytes
to read the BLOB as a stream. After that you can use Stream.CopyTo to write the stream's contents to another stream: