
How to define structure in VBA? Alternative to Delphi "record" command

I am Newbie to VBA. I would like to define my own structure, just like in Delphi is something like:

type Name = Record
    Declarations ...

For example in Delphi I would write:

type TNUMBER = Record
    value: integer;
    min: integer;
    max: integer;
    count: byte;
    processed: boolean;

var my_numbers: array[0..74] of TNUMBER;
i: integer;
range: byte;
range := 7;
for i:=0 to 74 do
  if not my_numbers[i].processed then
      my_numbers[i].value := round(somenumber);
      my_numbers[i].min := my_numbers[i].value-range;    
      my_numbers[i].max := my_numbers[i].value+range;
      my_numbers[i].count := 0;
      if (somenumber >= my_numbers[i].min) AND
         (somenumber <= my_numbers[i].max) then
          inc(my_numbers[i].count);  ' increase counter

So I have declared the type or structure TNUMBER, which contains various members. Then I created array of this type and I process numbers and change the records referred by variable my_numbers. So I need to create similar structure for VBA to count numbers obtained from Excel cells. The purpose of this structure is to calculate if the numbers are too close each other or if they are far enough to (decide whether to) draw a point or circle on my chart drawings.


  • You could rewrite your example in VBA like this:

    Option Explicit
    Private Type TNUMBER 'Or Public if needed in another module
        value As Integer
        min As Integer
        max As Integer
        count As Byte
        processed As Boolean
    End Type
    Public Sub test()
        Dim my_numbers(0 To 74) As TNUMBER
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim range As Byte
        Dim somenumber As Double
        range = 7
        For i = 0 To 74
            If Not my_numbers(i).processed Then
                my_numbers(i).value = Round(somenumber)
                my_numbers(i).min = my_numbers(i).value - range
                my_numbers(i).max = my_numbers(i).value + range
                my_numbers(i).count = 0
                If (somenumber >= my_numbers(i).min) And _
                   (somenumber <= my_numbers(i).max) Then
                    my_numbers(i).count = my_numbers(i).count + 1
                End If
            End If
        Next i
    End Sub

    and then you would of course execute the test method.

    Also, you would not want to use:
    For i = 0 To 74
    but instead you would use:
    For i = LBound(my_numbers) To UBound(my_numbers)
    so that if the array size changes the code still runs.