
Ansible dnf module enable Fedora Copr repository

I want to enable a Fedora Copr repository with Ansible. More specifically I want to convert this command:

dnf copr enable ganto/lxd

Using an Ansible command module I overcome this problem but break the task's idempotence (if run again, the role should not make any changes) (changed_when: false is not an option).

- name: Enable Fedora Copr for LXD
  command: "dnf copr enable -y ganto/lxd"

Also, I tried this:

- name: Install LXD
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: latest
    enablerepo: "xxx"
    - lxd
    - lxd-client

Where I test many variations for the option enablerepo without any success.

Is that possible using the dnf Ansible module (or something else)?


  • It is now possible thanks to

    The original snippet using command

    - name: Enable Fedora Copr for LXD
      command: "dnf copr enable -y ganto/lxd"

    can be changed to

    - name: Enable Fedora Copr for LXD
        name: ganto/lxd