I want to make a border around the text 这是一个测试
, but I cannot get the actual width of it. With English text, it does work perfectly.
tells me this:
这是一个测试 18
aaaaaaaaa 10
つのだ☆HIRO 16
aaaaaaaaaa 10
runewidth.StringWidth tells me this:
这是一个测试 12
aaaaaaaaa 10
つのだ☆HIRO 11
aaaaaaaaaa 10
func main() {
fmt.Println("这是一个测试 |")
fmt.Println("aaaaaaaaaa | 10*a")
fmt.Println("这是一个测试 |")
fmt.Println("aaaaaaaaa | 9*a")
fmt.Println("Both are not equal to the Chinese text.")
fmt.Println("The (pipe) lines are not under each other.")
How can I get my box (first screenshot) to appear correctly?
Unicode characters (like Chinese characters) in Golang take 3 bytes, while ASCII only takes 1 byte. That's by design.
If you wish to check the actual string size of unicode character, use unicode/utf8 built-in package.
fmt.Printf("String: %s\nLength: %d\nRune Length: %d\n", c, len(c), utf8.RuneCountInString(c))
// String: 这是一个测试
// Length: 18
// Rune Length: 6
More basic way to count is by using for loop.
count := 0
for range "这是一个测试" {
fmt.Printf("Count=%d\n", count)
// Count=6
About the pretty print of Chinese and English strings in tabular format, there seems to be no direct way. Nor the tabwriter works in this case. A small hack-around this is to use csv writer as follows:
data := [][]string{
{"这是一个测试", "|"},
{"aaaaaaaaaa", "|"},
{"つのだ☆HIRO", "|"},
{"aaaaaaaaaa", "|"},
w := csv.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
defer w.Flush()
w.Comma = '\t'
for _, row := range data {
This should print data as expected. Unfortunately, StackOverflow isn't printing the same format as I see in terminal. But Playground to our rescue. Click Here
: This works for strings with rune size close enough to one another. For lengthier strings, you'd need more work-around.