Using Jmeter, I want to compose a dynamically-sized, XML object with dynamically-generated content having the structure as the one below in a JSR223 preprocessor:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aaa id1="TD00100" id2="005" date="2021-09-06T09:49:57.623Z" id3="Minoan007">
<pa outOfScope="false" inTransit="false" reqID="ID00001">
<location arrivalDate="2021-09-20" code="ASD" departureDatetime="2021-09-20T11:00:00.000Z" scheduleNo="AB123">
<docs dob="1960-09-02" expiryDate="2031-09-13" gen="f" givenName="Test1" anotherCode="AB" anotherCode2="ABC" surname="John" docNr="100000001" docType="J">
<pa eesetiasOutOfScope="false" inTransit="false" pReqID="ID00002">
<location arrivalDate="2021-09-20" code="ASD" departureDatetime="2021-09-20T11:00:00.000Z" scheduleNo="AB123">
<docs dob="1960-09-02" expiryDate="2031-09-13" gen="m" givenName="Test2" anotherCode="AB" anotherCode2="ABC" surname="John" docNr="100000002" docType="J">
<pa eesetiasOutOfScope="false" inTransit="false" pReqID="ID00003">
<location arrivalDate="2021-09-20" code="ASD" departureDatetime="2021-09-20T11:00:00.000Z" scheduleNo="AB123">
<docs dob="1960-09-02" expiryDate="2031-09-13" gen="f" givenName="Test3" anotherCode="AB" anotherCode2="ABC" surname="John" docNr="100000003" docType="J">
I want to have a HTTP Sampler with a static body such as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<aaa id1="TD00100" id2="005" date="2021-09-06T09:49:57.623Z" id3="Minoan007">
And in the ${xmlObject}
I want to put a custom-size XML object based on some variable and populate each <pa> </pa>
object with some small part of the content differently (for example just increasing the id by 1 in each sub-xml object), based on some custom defined counter. Something like this example. Say I define a variable to be equal to 100: when the script runs it would generate an object with 100 sub-objects with this structure:
<pa .... reqID="ID00001">...</pa> objects
<pa .... reqID="ID00002">...</pa> objects
<pa .... reqID="ID00003">...</pa> objects
<pa .... reqID="n">...</pa> objects
And then I just need to move it to a Jmeter variable with using vars.put
and use it in my HTTP request.
I did something identical from the logic point of view for a JSON object using the JsonSlurper in the JSR223 Preprocessor. I just don't know what to use and how to use it to generate my custom XML object. Any help would be appreciated.
It took me a day, but I finally found the solution I needed. Leaving the code here in case it helps someone. Thanks again to Dmitri T for pointing me in the right direction with those resources.
def numberOfNodes = 3 // set how many sub-nodes are needed
def writer = new StringWriter()
def xml = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(writer)
xml.rootNode() {
createRootNode(xml, numberOfNodes, 'ID0000')
def createRootNode(builder, repeat, reqID) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < repeat ; i++) {'false', inTransit:'false', reqID:reqID+(i+1).toString() ){
builder.location (arrivalDate:'2021-09-20', code:'ASD', departureDatetime:'2021-09-20T11:00:00.000Z', scheduleNo:'LH8912') dob:'1960-09-02' , expiryDate:'2031-09-13', gen:'female', givenName:'Test3', anotherCode:'ABC', anotherCode2:'AB', surname:'John', docNr: 100000001, travelDocType:'J' )
def nodeAsText = writer.toString() // print to jmeter log console
vars.put('nodes3XmlObj', nodeAsText) //put the variable as a string into a variable accesible for jmeter
Outcome in Jmeter log console:
2021-10-13 23:05:28,222 INFO o.a.j.m.J.JSR223 PreProcessor: <rootNode>
<pa outOfScope='false' inTransit='false' reqID='ID00001'>
<location arrivalDate='2021-09-20' code='ASD' departureDatetime='2021-09-20T11:00:00.000Z' scheduleNo='LH8912' />
<docs dob='1960-09-02' expiryDate='2031-09-13' gen='female' givenName='Test3' anotherCode='ABC' anotherCode2='AB' surname='John' docNr='100000001' travelDocType='J' />
<pa outOfScope='false' inTransit='false' reqID='ID00002'>
<location arrivalDate='2021-09-20' code='ASD' departureDatetime='2021-09-20T11:00:00.000Z' scheduleNo='LH8912' />
<docs dob='1960-09-02' expiryDate='2031-09-13' gen='female' givenName='Test3' anotherCode='ABC' anotherCode2='AB' surname='John' docNr='100000001' travelDocType='J' />
<pa outOfScope='false' inTransit='false' reqID='ID00003'>
<location arrivalDate='2021-09-20' code='ASD' departureDatetime='2021-09-20T11:00:00.000Z' scheduleNo='LH8912' />
<docs dob='1960-09-02' expiryDate='2031-09-13' gen='female' givenName='Test3' anotherCode='ABC' anotherCode2='AB' surname='John' docNr='100000001' travelDocType='J' />