I have an Order
model with a polymorphic customer relationship to Parent
and School
. My goal now is to query the orders and generate a report including the name
and email
of the customer. Both name
and email
fields are present in Parent
and School
public function customer()
return $this->morphTo();
and School
both have:
public function orders()
return $this->morphMany(Order::class, 'customer');
My query currently is:
$result = Order::query()
Result is:
array:6 [▼
"id" => 1
"amount" => "42.00"
"customer" => null
I thought it would be possible to add customer.name
and customer.email
in the list of selected fields but Eloquent complains that the customer field customer.name
cannot be found which makes sense?
How do I obtain the data in the related models?
For Laravel 8, you can see the link here.
Then, your code would be:
$result = Order::whereHasMorph(
'orderable', // this is your polymorphic relationship you define
[Parent::class, School::class], // your list of Models you want to query from the polymorphic relationship
function (Builder $query) {
$query->select('name', 'email');
That should do it.