So I have this code that creates a download dynamically from any array of objects with matching keys (I got it from another SO question, I'd love to credit the author, but I can't find the link):
var objectToCSVRow = function(dataObject) {
var dataArray = new Array;
for (var o in dataObject) {
var innerValue = dataObject[o]===null?'':dataObject[o].toString();
var result = innerValue.replace(/"/g, '""');
result = '"' + result + '"';
return dataArray.join(';') + '\r\n';
var exportToCSV = function(arrayOfObjects) {
if (!arrayOfObjects.length) {
var csvContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,";
// headers
csvContent += objectToCSVRow(Object.keys(arrayOfObjects[0]));
csvContent += objectToCSVRow(item);
var encodedUri = encodeURI(csvContent);
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.setAttribute("href", encodedUri);
link.setAttribute("download", "customers.csv");
document.body.appendChild(link); // Required for FF;
It works fine, but when I try to include UTF-8 chars:
the encodeURI() function encodes them and I get this:
Is there a way I can create downloadable content without having to use encodeURI() or is there a way, at least, to have encodeURI() work with the special chars?
Thanks in advance
You need to add the BOM
character on the first line of the CSV.
var csvContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,";
// add BOM - always on the first line of the csv
csvContent += '\uFEFF';
// headers
csvContent += objectToCSVRow(Object.keys(arrayOfObjects[0]));