I am trying to load files from my Azure blob to Snowflake table incrementally. After which in snowflake, I put streams on that table and load the data to the target table.
I am unable to do incremental load from Azure to Snowflake. I have tried many ways but not working. I am attaching the images of my 2 different ways (pipelines) to do the same.
In this pipeline, I just added 3 extra columns which I wanted in my sink
In this pipeline, I tried creating conditional splits
Both of these have not worked out. Kindly suggest me how to go about this.
You can achieve this by selecting Allow Upsert in sink settings under the Update method.
Below are my repro details:
a) This file contains records that exist in the staging table (StateCode = ‘AK’ & ‘CA’), so these 2 records should be updated in the staging table with new values in Flag.
b) Other 2 records (StateCode = ‘FL’ & ‘AZ’) should be inserted into the staging table.
transformation to add a column modified_date which is not in the source file but in the sink table.AlterRow
transformation: When you are using the Upsert method, AlterRow transformation is a must to include the upsert condition.a) In condition, you can mention to upsert the rows only when the unique column (StateCode in my case) is not null.
transformation to AlterRow with Snowflake stage table as sink dataset.a) In sink settings, select Update method as Allow upsert and provide the Key (unique) column based on which the Upsert should happen in sink table.
a) As StateCode AK & CA already exists in the table, only other column values (flag & modified_date) for those rows are updated.
b) StateCode AZ & FL are not found in the stage (sink) table so, these rows are inserted.