I am trying to use the timeline view to have a slick and easy interface to move an event to a given month (I can handle the day of month logic). The issue I have is I am now stuck in a given year:
In this example I want to drag the event back to Dec 2021.
Unless I am missing something there is no way to show more than 12 months. If I could at least show the previous Dec and next Jan I could trigger a re-render of the view after the event drop and then drag again.
Any suggestions on how to implement this? I have the drop callback working just fine - just can't seem to figure out an easy way to
By creating a custom view using the various view settings, you can set the duration of the timeline to pretty much any length of time you wish.
Here's an example which displays 2 years at a time:
views: {
resourceTimelineYears: {
type: 'resourceTimeline',
duration: { years: 2 },
buttonText: '2 Years',
slotDuration: { months: 1 }
Demo: https://codepen.io/ADyson82/pen/mdMeLbJ
(N.B. This code assumes you're using fullCalendar 5.x, although similar code would work in earlier versions too.)