I've a cell with some properties like pfp
(Image) mainImage
(Image) description
(String) and a like button in one cell, after clicking that like button, I want to register a notification and recieve that notification on CollectionView two
in that notification I must have a whole cell, Something like a facebook share button, whenever I share(like) a post, that post appends on my profile, I want to write same logic but instead of share I've a like button
//CollectionViewCell where like button is located
@IBOutlet weak var profilePictureImage: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var mainImage: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var desc: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var logo: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var likeButton: UIButton!
func setup(with myArray: feedPage){
self.nameLabel.text = myArray.pfName
self.desc.text = myArray.description
self.profilePictureImage.image = myArray.pfp
self.logo.image = myArray.pfp
self.mainImage.image = myArray.mainImage
self.likeButton.setImage(UIImage(named: "like"), for: UIControl.State.normal)
@IBAction func likeButoon(_ sender: Any) {
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name("AddToFavorites"), object: nil)
var aaa = self.nameLabel.text
//CollectionViewController two where I need to recieve a notification and configure second view controller cell
var test:[String] = []
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(notificationRecieved), name: Notification.Name("AddToFavorites"), object: nil)
@objc func notificationRecieved(){
self.test = aaa //error is here xcode can't find `aaa` in scope
I tried creating a variable aaa
with the value of the first CollectionViewCell and then putting that into an array but it doesn't seem to work
any solution will be appericated
if you need any kind of addition info to solve this problem please let me know in the comments and I will add.
Thank you.
You are missing some importants parts of handling notifications, please take a look in the docs to get more familiar with how it works.
With that being said, you could achieve what you want with the following approach.
extension Notification.Name {
static let AddToFavorites = Notification.Name("add_to_favorites")
class SomeView: UIView {
@IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
@IBAction func likeButoon(_ sender: Any) {
let name = self.nameLabel.text
// The name value must be sent with the posted notifaction, this enables observers to get the value from the received notification object.
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .AddToFavorites, object: name)
class SomeController {
init() {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(notificationRecieved), name: .AddToFavorites, object: nil)
@objc func notificationRecieved(notification: Notification){
// Retrieve the name value from the notification object.
guard let name = notification.object as? String else {
// Do something with name