
Explain this code: uses a string as filter function

When reviewing a bit of Swift code in one project I supervise, I came across this:

return (realm?.objects(ExerciseDBObject.self).filter("isDeleted == false")) as! Results<ExerciseDBObject>

What stuck out to me as a JVM/Python/JS programmer was the filter("isDeleted == false") bit. Supposedly, this code works fine: it filters the exercises that are not deleted, but it is a string. How does this work?

I have not worked with Swift, and when googling I just came across the docs on String#filter that seemed to imply that I would normally have written that bit of code as filter({!$0.isDeleted}).

The isDeleted bit of the string refers to a prop on the object. How does Swift avoid binding that to some variable that is also called isDeleted (if such was present, which it was not in this code block)?


  • It's using:

    // MARK: Filtering
     Returns a `Results` containing all objects matching the given predicate in the collection.
     - parameter predicateFormat: A predicate format string, optionally followed by a variable number of arguments.
    func filter(_ predicateFormat: String, _ args: Any...) -> Results<Element>

    Source: RealmCollectiton

    Under the hood, it's using NSPredicate(format:), it "hides" it by simplifying and avoid writing each time NSPredicate(format: ...), and should use KeyPath too. More explanation on what you can do with that here at Predicate Format String Syntax.


    func filter(_ isIncluded: (Self.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Self.Element]

    on Sequence

    Here a sample code to illustrate/mimic:

    class TestClass: NSObject {
        @objc var title: String
        init(title: String) {
            self.title = title
        override var description: String {
            "TestClass - title: \(title)"
    let objects: [TestClass] = [TestClass(title: "Title1"), TestClass(title: "Title2")]
    // In a "Swifty way
    let searchedText = "Title1"
    let filtered1 = objects.filter {
        $0.title == searchedText
    print("filtered1: \(filtered1)")
    // With a NSPredicate, which is more Objective-C (filtering on NSArray for instance)
    // But also there is a translation with Core-Data, and then fetching optimization
    let filtered2 = objects.filter {
        NSPredicate(format: "title == 'Title1'").evaluate(with: $0)
    print("filtered2: \(filtered2)")
    // Same, but with avoiding hard coding strings
    let filtered3 = objects.filter {
        NSPredicate(format: "%K == %@", #keyPath(TestClass.title), searchedText).evaluate(with: $0)
    print("filtered3: \(filtered3)")
    extension Sequence {
        func filter(_ predicateFormat: String, _ args: Any...) -> [Element] {
            let predicate = NSPredicate(format: predicateFormat, argumentArray: args)
            return self.filter({ predicate.evaluate(with: $0) })
    // With an extension similar to what does Realm
    let filtered4 = objects.filter("title == 'Title1'")
    print("filtered4: \(filtered4)")
    // With an extension similar to what does Realm, and less hard coded string (cf filtered3 construction)
    let filtered5 = objects.filter("%K == %@", #keyPath(TestClass.title), searchedText)
    print("filtered5: \(filtered5)")

    With output:

    $>filtered1: [TestClass - title: Title1]
    $>filtered2: [TestClass - title: Title1]
    $>filtered3: [TestClass - title: Title1]
    $>filtered4: [TestClass - title: Title1]
    $>filtered5: [TestClass - title: Title1]