How to modify Response Cookie in GraphQL using Hot Chocolate in .Net 5

I am building a GraphQL API using Hot Chocolate(.net 5) and need to add authentication using the JWT token.

In REST API, I have used http only cookie to add the refresh token.

var cookieOption = new CookieOptions
    HttpOnly = true,
    Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7)

Response.Cookies.Append("refreshToken", <refreshToken.Token>, cookieOption);

In my login mutation, I do not have access to HttpResponse as in REST API.

Even Hot Chocolate's documentation does not have an example or instruction on how to access the Http Response.


  • You can use the IHttpContextAccessor to access the HttpContext and in turn modify the cookies.

    public string Foo(string id, [Service] IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
        if (httpContextAccessor.HttpContext is not null)