We can always have multiple classes inside a .java file. Considering encapsulation and that each class consists of multiple lines of code it always made sense to have 1 class (don't talk about nested classes) inside 1 .java file.
Now that records come into play and they can be as little as 1 line of code. Does it make sense to encapsulate multiple records inside the same .java class?
For example we could have
DTO.java file which would contain
record Employees(List<Employee> employees) { } //This is just a wrapper class that we normally need in order to return a list of objects in rest web services
record Employee(String name, Integer age, List<Attribute> attributes){ }
record Attribute(String name, String value) { }
If no record has the public access modifier then we are allowed to contain all of them in a file with the name DTO.java
As I view it, it does not seem very good to have 3 .java files with only 1 line of code inside each one.
However we can still face issues like these described here multiple classes inside same java file
Right now there is no official way to do it.
As a workaround you could create an empty interface and put all your records inside, for example if your controller is CompanyController, I would create an interface called CompanyPort with all dto records inside
public interface CompanyPort {
record Employees(List<Employee> employees) { }
record Employee(String name, Integer age, List<Attribute> attributes){ }
record Attribute(String name, String value) { }
Hope that would help