Simple question I hope.
How do I convert this named_scope line from a rails 2 app into a scope line for rails 5
named_scope :effective_on, lambda { |date|
{ :conditions => ['(effective_on IS NULL OR effective_on <= ?) AND (ineffective_on IS NULL OR ineffective_on > ?)', date, date] }
I've tried this but it is just printing out the conditions line as a string...
scope :effective_on, lambda { |date|
{ :conditions => ['(effective_on IS NULL OR effective_on <= ?) AND (ineffective_on IS NULL OR ineffective_on > ?)', date, date] }
I suspect that is because "conditions" is deprecated for Rails 5.0 but when I try to replace it with "where" in this version it explodes in my face...
scope :effective_on, lambda { |date|
{ where('(effective_on IS NULL OR effective_on <= ?) AND (ineffective_on IS NULL OR ineffective_on > ?)', date, date) }
... Explodes in my face: the entire "where" line lights up red in my IDE and it tells me "Expected: =>"
And this is where I am stumped.
The issue is that the scope in the old Rails version returned a hash like { :conditions => 'some conditions }
but in newer version it returns an active record relation (like the return value of the where
So you have to change:
scope :effective_on, lambda { |date|
{ :conditions => ['(effective_on IS NULL OR effective_on <= ?) AND (ineffective_on IS NULL OR ineffective_on > ?)', date, date] }
scope :effective_on, lambda { |date|
where('(effective_on IS NULL OR effective_on <= ?) AND (ineffective_on IS NULL OR ineffective_on > ?)', date, date)
without that {
around the where