I have Parent child relationships of say 10-11 levels like shown below and I need to create a relationship between them as parent child
what I tried so far?
I have used the below code to relate them as parent child
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///parent_child.csv' AS line
MERGE (thisThingHere:employee {id: line.id })
MERGE (parent:Element { id: line.parentid })
MERGE (thisThingHere)-[:PARENT]->(parent)
the result of above code is creating parent child relations but they are relating up to just one level, like shown in the below image (available as a link), I need a way to relate them and display it like a tree eg. 3 is a parent of 4 and 2 is a grand parent of 4 and 1 is great grand parent of 1, can anyone please help me on how can I achieve it?
You need to use the same node label for both parent and child node to construct a tree
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///parent_child.csv'
AS line
MERGE (thisThingHere:Element {id: line.id })
MERGE (parent:Element { id: line.parentid })
MERGE (thisThingHere)-[:PARENT]->(parent)