
Android Native Size is 1920x1200 however the GLSurface is 1440x900?

Android Native Size is 1920x1200 however the GLSurface is 1440x900?

Not sure what is misconfigured for these Large DPI screens here

CurrentMode:{id=1, width=1200, height=1920, fps=60.000004} refreshRate: [60.000004] mode PhysicalWidth:[1200] mode PhysicalHeight:[1920]

ViewRootImpl@24dd063[OFActivity]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1920,1200) new=(0,0,1440,900) req=(0,0)8 dur=65 res=0x1 s={false 0} ch=false fn=-1 D/OF: Create surface

<supports-screens android:resizeable="true"
        android:anyDensity="true" />


  • Answer / Same Problem

    What is causing this problem is an online check to (parameter: package name) during installation on Samsung devices. This may cause a change of the default resolution, e.g. if the app is known as a 'game' (my app is a board game). This can be changed by the user using a game performance tuning service such as Game Launcher. This is available for all Samsung phones and most Samsung tablets. But as it happens not for my tablet, a Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 2019 (SM-T510). After contacting Samsung Developers support they changed the settings for this device type, so that now my app runs in native resolution;

    Codename One app running in lower resolution (Android)