
RAD Server Delphi - using savetostream und loadfromstream does not work because of mutated vowels after Json conversion

I try to exchange Data via RadServer IIS Package and Delphi Client with EMSEndpoint. What I try looks simple to me but I can't get it done now.

In the Package there is a TFDConnection pointing to a MSSql Server. TFDQuery is connected with that Connection. With this code I create the JSON Response (Serverside):

var lStream: TStringStream := TStringStream.create;

    AResponse.Body.SetStream(lStream,'application/json' ,True);

with that code I try to load the Dataset into TFDMemtable (Clientside):

 lstrstream: TStringStream := TStringStream.create(EMSBackendEndpoint.Response.Content);
 aMemtable.LoadFromStream(lstrstream, sfJSON);

The Memtable says [FireDac][Stan]-719 invalid JSON storage format How could that be? I know where the Problem is, there are äöü Symbols in my Stream, but when I load that from one Component to the other it should work, shouldn't it? Any suggestions what I can try? What I have tryed so far:


  • JSON is most commonly exchanged using UTF-8, but by default TStringStream does not use UTF-8 on Windows, only on Posix systems. Try using TStringStream.Create(..., TEncoding.UTF8) to force UTF-8.

    This assumes that FDQuery.SaveToStream() saves using UTF-8, and aMemtable.LoadFromStream() loads using UTF-8, otherwise you will still have an encoding mismatch.