I'm trying to get the result in hex format, but I get the error "TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer!"
39 d = chinese_remainder(a, n)
---> 40 number = hex(d)
41 print(number)
import functools
# Euclidean extended algorithm
def egcd(a, b):
if a == 0:
return b, 0, 1
d, x, y = egcd(b % a, a)
return d, y - (b // a) * x, x
Functions whcih calculate the CRT (
return x in ' x = a mod n'.
def chinese_remainder(a, n):
modulus = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, n)
multipliers = []
for N_i in n:
N = modulus / N_i
gcd, inverse, y = egcd(N, N_i)
multipliers.append(inverse * N % modulus)
result = 0
for multi, a_i in zip(multipliers, a):
result = (result + multi * a_i) % modulus
return result
FN = 1184749
FM = 8118474
FL = 5386565
HN = 8686891
HM = 6036033
HK = 6029230
n = [FN, FM, FL]
a = [HN, HM, HK]
d = chinese_remainder(a, n)
number = hex(d)
The result should be like this FAB15A7AE056200F9
But it gives me 3.3981196080447865e + 19
How to fix this so that the result is in hex format ???
Normal division /
operator returns float whereas you can use floor division //
to get integers.
As others suggested, you have to use floor division to variable N
like this N = modulus//N_i