
MySql LOAD DATA INFILE failing with commas

Here's the statement:

LOAD DATA INFILE '/var/lib/mysql-files/test.csv'

Here's a line that imports fine:

1450327840667357185, 1, "This is my text"

If the text field has a comma though, it fails. For example, see this line:

1450327840667357185, 1, "This is my text, with a comma in it"

Why does it fail?

If I escape the comma (by putting a backslash in front of it) it works fine. This does not make sense though. I have stipulated that the fields may be enclosed by double quotes, so why doesn't it accept all the content therein as a content of the field?

If I have to reprocess all the text to quote comma's, it would be a big task.


  • Your CSV has spaces after the , separator.

    I don't have MySQL to play with, but I expect that means it's seeing those spaces as part of the values, causing all sorts of problems.

    This means that the CSV line is read as...

    Note that the leading spaces are included in the values.

    This means that the third values does not start with " (it starts with a space), so the ENCLOSED BY '"' isn't doing anything. This means that the parser treats the string as unquoted, which in turn means that the subsequent , is seen as a separator.

    Try TERMINATED BY ', '...

    This will mean that the the parser now reads the line as...

    Note that the third value now does start with " (because the leading space is now part of the separator), and so is a quoted string and so the subsequent , is not treated as a separator.