
Woocommerce redirect to different thank you pages on specific shipping method selectoin

I'm trying to work on something new for displaying 2 different thank you pages for the woocommerce plugin. When a user has selected a different shipping method like local pickups I want to redirect them to different thank you pages after checkout.

I have added the following code but it doesn't works redirects to the default. What am I doing wrong

// Thank you page redirect
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'woo_custom_redirect_after_purchase' );
function woo_custom_redirect_after_purchase() {
    global $wp;
    if ( is_checkout() && !empty( $wp->query_vars['order-received'] ) ) {
        wp_redirect( 'https://mywebsite.com/thank-you-page-1/' );
    elseif( $order->has_shipping_method('local_pickup:7') ) {
        wp_redirect( 'https://mywebsite.com/thank-you-page-2/' );
    elseif( $order->has_shipping_method('flat_rate:1') ) {
        wp_redirect( 'https://mywebsite.com/thank-you-page-3/' );

Not sure what's happening, might be I'm missing or doing something wrong.


  • In your function, you don't define $order. You need to get the $order Object before you can access any of the methods. Since $order is not defined, the other cases elseif are never true.

    // Thank you page redirect
    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'woo_custom_redirect_after_purchase' );
    function woo_custom_redirect_after_purchase() {
        global $wp;
        // Get the order object
        $order = new WC_Order($wp->query_vars['order-received']);
        if ( is_checkout() && !empty( $wp->query_vars['order-received'] ) ) {
            wp_redirect( 'https://mywebsite.com/thank-you-page-1/' );
        elseif( $order->has_shipping_method('local_pickup:7') ) {
            wp_redirect( 'https://mywebsite.com/thank-you-page-2/' );
        elseif( $order->has_shipping_method('flat_rate:1') ) {
            wp_redirect( 'https://mywebsite.com/thank-you-page-3/' );