I am using the useQuery (from Apollo) to fetch data as follows:
const {
result: fetchedResources,
loading: fetchResourcesLoading,
refetch: fetchResources,
onError: apiError
} = useQuery(GET_RESOURCES, { limit: numberOfResults.value })
I use fetchedResources
in a v-for to loop over data:
v-for="resource in fetchedResources.resources"
class="resource q-mb-md items-center text-black"
Any time I use resource
I get the following error in Visual Studio:
Object is of type 'unknown'.Vetur(2571)
I assume the issue is I need to declare the type in the constant for each of the populate variables. Any ideas how to resolve this?
Looks like Vetur has recently released 0.35.0 and it picked up a genuine error in the Typescript code for Apollo. These docs provided info on how to set the type for each array: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/development-testing/static-typing/