I've integrated the Smooch/Sunshine Conversations SDK into our app.
On the most part, it works. However I've got a bit of an issue in a failure scenario:
I'm using the latest SDK version 7.0.3, and the vanilla ConversationActivity
(I've not subclassed this or anything)
I've tried the following:
Any ideas?
// This is in the Application class, as recommended
fun initialiseSmooch(application: Application) {
GlobalScope.launch {
Log.i(TAG, "Initialising Smooch")
val settings = Settings("INTEGRATION_ID")
settings.authenticationDelegate = getAuthenticationDelegate()
Smooch.init(application, settings, getInitialisationCallback())
private fun getInitialisationCallback(): (SmoochCallback.Response<InitializationStatus>) -> Unit {
return { response ->
if (response.data === InitializationStatus.SUCCESS) {
Log.i(TAG, "Smooch initialised successfully")
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Smooch initialization failed: ${response.error}")
* This basically tells the Smooch SDK what to do if the JWT is rejected. Basically it goes
* and fetches a new token from our API.
private fun getAuthenticationDelegate(): AuthenticationDelegate {
return AuthenticationDelegate(function = { authenticationError, authenticationCallback ->
if (authenticationError != null && authenticationError.data != null) {
Log.w(TAG, authenticationError.data)
if(AppResources.repository.getUserId() == null){
Log.i(TAG, "Authentication error. User isn't logged in, so shouldn't be logged in to Smooch either.")
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "Authentication error. Getting new Smooch token.")
getSmoochToken { token -> authenticationCallback.updateToken(token) }
private fun getSmoochToken(callback: (String) -> Unit) {
// Fetches token from API. If successful, callback is called
// If unsuccessful, callback isn't called. This won't hang forever, it has a timeout.
// And to start the conversation
private fun proceedToConversation() {
Please ensure you've implemented authentication delegates to automatically handle cases where JWTs are expired: https://docs.smooch.io/guide/authenticating-users/#expiring-jwts-on-sdks
Once your backend issuing the JWTs comes back up, I'd start recovery attempts with a login() call.
Finally, 10s JWT expiry is very short indeed.