I have a Delphi Firemonkey EXIF implementation I'm using in a routine to load image files. I'm trying to determine whether or not the image has been rotated, so I can correct the orientation of the image before displaying it. This routine, in part calls assembly code that executes a BSWAP to determine where header information in the image file is located. Here is a part of the code:
TMarker = packed record
Marker : Word; //Section marker
Len : Word; //Length Section
Indefin : Array [0..4] of Char; //Indefiner - "Exif" 00, "JFIF" 00 and ets
Pad : Char; //0x00
TIFDHeader = packed record
pad : Byte; //00h
ByteOrder : Word; //II (4D4D) or MM
i42 : Word; //2A00 (magic number from the 'Hitchhikers Guide'
Offset : Cardinal; //0th offset IFD
Count : Word; // number of IFD entries
function SwapLong(Value: Cardinal): Cardinal;
asm bswap eax end;
procedure TExif.ReadFromFile(const FileName: string);
j: TMarker;
ifd: TIFDHeader;
off0: Cardinal; //Null Exif Offset
SOI: Word; //2 bytes SOI marker. FF D8 (Start Of Image)
f: File;
if not FileExists(FileName) then exit;
System.FileMode:=0; //Read Only open
if SOI=$D8FF then begin //Is this Jpeg
if j.Marker=$E0FF then begin //JFIF Marker Found
Seek(f,20); //Skip JFIF Header
//Search Exif start marker;
if j.Marker<>$E1FF then begin
BlockRead(f,SOI,2); //Read bytes.
until (EOF(f) or (i>1000) or (SOI=$E1FF));
//If we find maker
if SOI=$E1FF then begin
Seek(f,FilePos(f)-2); //return Back on 2 bytes
BlockRead(f,j,9); //read Exif header
if j.Marker=$E1FF then begin //If we found Exif Section. j.Indefin='Exif'.
off0:=FilePos(f)+1; //0'th offset Exif header
BlockRead(f,ifd,11); //Read IDF Header
FSwap := ifd.ByteOrder=$4D4D; // II or MM - if MM we have to swap
if FSwap then begin
ifd.Offset := SwapLong(ifd.Offset);
ifd.Count := Swap(ifd.Count);
if ifd.Offset <> 8 then begin
Seek(f, FilePos(f)+abs(ifd.Offset)-8);
This works fine when the application is built for 32-bit Windows, but fails at the SwapLong call under 64-bit Windows. I don't know the first thing about Assembly language and so I'm looking for how to handle the same functionality when building the 64-bit version of the program. Just as a note, in both versions the idf.OffSet value passed to the SwapLong function is 134217728 ($08000000). In the 32-bit version the SwapLong returns a value of 8, but the 64-bit version returns a value of 2694969615 given what appears to be the same input.
I need the 64-bit version to work as I am looking to target 64-bit MAC OSX with the same code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The issue exists because the inline assembly assumes the first argument as well as the return value to be using register eax
, which is true for Delphi in 32-bit mode as per Delphi's calling convention (and although the inline assembly documentation states that there shouldn't be made any assumptions about registers other than ebp
and esp
, this always held true even inside of inline assembly statements when they were placed at the top of a function).
However, 64-bit mode uses a different calling convention in which the first argument is in rcx
and the return value is using rax
. So here you are getting random uninitialized garbage as return value that happened to be in that register (with its bytes swapped) because it's never explicitly set.
The best, portable solution would be to implement the byte swap in pure Pascal without inline assembly:
function SwapLong(Value: Cardinal): Cardinal;
Result := Swap(Value shr 16) or (Cardinal(Swap(Value)) shl 16);
This uses the decades-old Swap
function which swaps the lower 2 bytes of a value. This isn't of much use on its own anymore but it can be utilized twice (together with some bit shifting and masking) to shorten code for swapping all 4 bytes of a 32-bit value.
Another way which has more source code but can produce less convoluted assembly code as a result would be accessing the individual bytes in the Cardinal
using byte pointers:
function SwapLong(Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; inline;
PByte(@Result)^ := PByte(NativeUInt(@Value) + 3)^;
PByte(NativeUInt(@Result) + 1)^ := PByte(NativeUInt(@Value) + 2)^;
PByte(NativeUInt(@Result) + 2)^ := PByte(NativeUInt(@Value) + 1)^;
PByte(NativeUInt(@Result) + 3)^ := PByte(@Value)^;